Publications and Conferences


Flansburg, G. A., Alam, A. S., & Bilal, U. (2023). Gaming disorder among college students: Impact on social and academic life. Southwester Mass Communication Journal, 38(2), 1-18.


Bilal, U. (2024, March). Use of social media for sourcing and verification: Journalistic practices in Pakistan. Presenting at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Midwinter Conference, Norman, OK.

Alam, A. S., Bilal, U., & Hossain, M. Z. (2023, August). Government fact-checking in South Asia. Presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference, Washington, D.C.

Flansburg, G. A., Alam, A. S., & Bilal, U. (2022, November). Gaming disorder among college students: Impact on social and academic life. Presented at the Southwest Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communication Symposium, Waco, TX.